Enforcing the quantum sum rule with moment renormalization
AUTHOR: David Dahlbom (dahlbomda@ornl.gov), DATE: January 22, 2025 (Sunny 0.7.5)
One goal of the Sunny project is to extend classical techniques to incorporate a greater number of quantum effects. The generalization of the Landau-Lifshitz (LL) equations from SU(2) to SU($N$) coherent states is the cornerstone of this approach [1], but Sunny includes a number of other "classical-to-quantum" corrections. For example, in the zero-temperature limit, there is a well-known correspondence between Linear Spin Wave Theory (LSWT) and the quantization of the normal modes of the linearized LL equations. This allows the dynamical spin structure factor (DSSF) that would be calculated with LSWT, $\mathcal{S}_{\mathrm{Q}}(\mathbf{q}, \omega)$, to be recovered from a DSSF that has been calculated classically, $\mathcal{S}_{\mathrm{cl}}(\mathbf{q}, \omega)$. This is achieved by applying a classical-to-quantum correspondence factor to $\mathcal{S}_{\mathrm{cl}}(\mathbf{q}, \omega)$:
\[\mathcal{S}_{\mathrm{Q}}(\mathbf{q}, \omega)=\frac{\hbar\omega}{k_{\mathrm{B}} T} \left[1+ n_{\mathrm{B}}(\omega/T) \right] \mathcal{S}_{\mathrm{cl}}(\mathbf{q}, \omega),\]
Sunny automatically applies this correction when you call intensity_static
on a SampledCorrelations
and provide a temperature. This will be demonstrated in the code example below.
The quantum structure factor satisfies a familiar "zeroth-moment" sum rule,
\[\int\int d\mathbf{q}d\omega\mathcal{S}_{\mathrm{Q}}(\mathbf{q}, \omega) = N_S S(S+1),\]
where $N_S$ is the number of sites. An immediate consequence of the correspondence is that the "corrected" classical structure factor satisfies the same sum rule:
\[\int\int d\mathbf{q}d\omega \frac{\hbar\omega}{k_{\mathrm{B}} T} \left[1+ n_{\mathrm{B}}(\omega/T) \right] \mathcal{S}_{\mathrm{cl}}(\mathbf{q}, \omega) = N_S S(S+1)\]
Note, however, that this correspondence depends on a harmonic oscillator approximation and only applies near $T=0$. This is reflected in the fact that the correction factor,
\[\frac{\hbar\omega}{k_{\mathrm{B}} T} \left[1+ n_{\mathrm{B}}(\omega/T) \right],\]
approaches unity for all $\omega$ whenever $T$ grows large. In particular, this means that the corrected classical $\mathcal{S}_{\mathrm{cl}}(\mathbf{q}, \omega)$ will no longer satisfy the quantum sum rule at elevated temperatures. It will instead approach the "classical sum rule":
\[\lim_{T\rightarrow\infty}\int\int d\mathbf{q}d\omega \frac{\hbar\omega}{k_{\mathrm{B}} T} \left[1+ n_{\mathrm{B}}(\omega/T) \right] \mathcal{S}_{\mathrm{cl}}(\mathbf{q}, \omega) = N_S S^2 \]
A simple approach to maintaining a classical-to-quantum correspondence at elevated temperatures is to renormalize the classical magnetic moments so that the quantum sum rule is satisfied. The renormalization factor can be determinied analytically in the infinite temperature limit [2]. For an arbitrary temperature, however, it must be determined empirically [3]. While determining an appropriate rescaling factor can be computationally expensive, Sunny makes it straightforward to evaluate spectral sums and apply moment renormalization, as shown below. One approach to determining the rescaling factors themselves is demonstrated in the sample code here.
Evaluating spectral sums in Sunny
We'll begin by building a spin system representing the effective Spin-1 compound FeI₂. The functions for doing this are imported from kappa_supplementals.jl
, available for download here.
using Sunny, LinearAlgebra
include(joinpath(@__DIR__, "kappa_supplementals.jl"))
dims = (8, 8, 4)
seed = 102
units = Units(:meV, :angstrom)
sys, cryst = FeI2_sys_and_cryst(dims; seed);
We will next estimate $\mathcal{S}_{\mathrm{cl}}(\mathbf{q}, \omega)$ using classical dynamics. (For more details on setting up such a calculation, see the tutorials in the official Sunny documentation.)
# Parameters for generating equilbrium samples.
dt_therm = 0.004 # Step size for Langevin integrator
dur_therm = 10.0 # Safe thermalization time
damping = 0.1 # Phenomenological coupling to thermal bath
kT = 0.3 * units.K
langevin = Langevin(dt_therm; damping, kT) # Langevin integrator
# Parameters for sampling correlations.
dt = 0.025 # Integrator step size for dissipationless trajectories
nsamples = 3 # Number of dynamical trajectories to collect for estimating S(𝐪,ω)
energies = range(0, 10, 200); # Energies to resolve, in meV, when calculating the dynamics
Since FeI₂ is a Spin-1 material, we will use the SU($2S+1=3$) formalism and require a set of $N^2-1=8$ observables to calculate the total spectral weight.
Sx, Sy, Sz = spin_matrices(1) # Spin-1 representation of spin operators
observables = [
# Dipoles
# Quadrupoles
-(Sx*Sz + Sz*Sx),
-(Sy*Sz + Sz*Sy),
Sx^2 - Sy^2,
Sx*Sy + Sy*Sx,
√3 * Sz^2 - I*2/√3,
At the moment, Sunny does not expose a high-level interface for working with custom observables such as these. As a workaround, we will write low-level code that accesses the internal Sunny datastructure Sunny.MeasureSpec
. The notation Sunny.*
indicates that this functionality is not part of the public interface and is subject to change in future Sunny versions.
Building a Sunny.MeasureSpec
requires the following:
- An array containing a set of $N$ observables for each site of the system.
- A vector of tuples $(n, m)$, with $1 <= n, m <= N$. Each tuple specifies a pair of observables. Together these determine which correlations will be calculated.
- A function for reducing these correlation pairs into a final intensity.
- A list of form factors.
The Sunny.MeasureSpec
below sums over the autocorrelations of each observable and disables form factor corrections.
observable_field = fill(Hermitian(zeros(ComplexF64, 3, 3)), length(observables), size(sys.coherents)...);
for site in Sunny.eachsite(sys), μ in axes(observables, 1)
observable_field[μ, site] = Hermitian(observables[μ])
corr_pairs = [(i, i) for i in 1:length(observables)]
combiner(_, data) = real(sum(data))
measure = Sunny.MeasureSpec(observable_field, corr_pairs, combiner, [one(FormFactor)]);
Finally, we can construct a SampledCorrelations
and perform the calculations.
sc = SampledCorrelations(sys; dt, energies, measure)
# Thermalize and add several samples
for _ in 1:5_000
step!(sys, langevin)
for _ in 1:nsamples
# Decorrelate sample
for _ in 1:2_000
step!(sys, langevin)
add_sample!(sc, sys)
now contains an estimate of $\mathcal{S}_{\mathrm{cl}}(\mathbf{q}, \omega)$. We next wish to evaluate the total spectral weight. We are working on a finite lattice and using discretized dynamics, so the integral will reduce to a sum. Since we'll be evaluating this sum repeatedly, we'll define a function to do this. (Note that this function only works on Bravais lattices – To evaluate spectral sums on a decorated lattice, the sum rule needs to be evaluated on each sublattice individually!)
function total_spectral_weight(sc::SampledCorrelations; kT = nothing)
# Retrieve all available discrete wave vectors in the equivalent of
# one Brillouin zone.
qs = Sunny.available_wave_vectors(sc)[:]
# Calculate the intensities. Note that we must include negative energies to
# evaluate the total spectral weight.
is = intensities(sc, qs; energies=:available_with_negative, kT)
return sum(is.data * sc.Δω)
Now evaluate the total spectral weight without temperature corrections.
total_spectral_weight(sc) / (prod(sys.dims))
The result is 4/3, which is the expected "classical" sum rule. This reference can be established by evaluating $\sum_{\alpha}\langle Z\vert T^{\alpha} \vert Z \rangle^2$ for any SU(3) coherent state $Z$, with $T^{\alpha}$ a complete set of generators of SU(3) – for example, the observables
above. However, the quantum sum rule is in fact 16/3, as can be determined by directly calculating $\sum_{\alpha}(T^{\alpha})^2$.
Now let's try again, this time applying the classical-to-quantum correspondence factor by providing the simulation temperature.
total_spectral_weight(sc; kT) / prod(sys.dims)
This is relatively close to 16/3. So, at low temperatures, application of the classical-to-quantum correspondence factor yields results that (approximately) satisfy the quantum sum rule.
This will no longer hold at higher temperatures. Let's repeat the above experiment with a simulation temperature above $T_N=3.05$.
sys, cryst = FeI2_sys_and_cryst(dims; seed)
kT = 3.5 * units.K
langevin = Langevin(dt_therm; damping, kT)
sc = SampledCorrelations(sys; dt, energies, measure)
# Thermalize
for _ in 1:5_000
step!(sys, langevin)
for _ in 1:nsamples
# Decorrelate sample
for _ in 1:2_000
step!(sys, langevin)
add_sample!(sc, sys)
Evaluating the sum without the classical-to-quantum correction factor will again give 4/3, as you can easily verify. Let's examine the result with the correction:
total_spectral_weight(sc; kT) / prod(sys.dims)
While this is larger than the classical value of 4/3, it is still substantially short of the quantum value of 16/3.
Implementing moment renormalization
One way to enforce the quantum sum rule is by simply renormalizing the magnetic moments. In Sunny, this can be achieved by calling set_spin_rescaling!(sys, κ)
, where κ is the desired renormalization. Let's repeat the calculation above at the same temperature, this time setting $κ=1.25$.
sys, cryst = FeI2_sys_and_cryst(dims; seed)
sc = SampledCorrelations(sys; dt, energies, measure)
κ = 1.25
# Thermalize
for _ in 1:5_000
step!(sys, langevin)
for _ in 1:nsamples
# Generate new equilibrium sample.
for _ in 1:2_000
step!(sys, langevin)
# Renormalize magnetic moments before collecting a time-evolved sample.
set_spin_rescaling!(sys, κ)
# Generate a trajectory and calculate correlations.
add_sample!(sc, sys)
# Turn off κ renormalization before generating a new equilibrium sample.
set_spin_rescaling!(sys, 1.0)
Finally, we evaluate the sum.
total_spectral_weight(sc; kT) / prod(sys.dims)
The result is something slightly greater than 5, substantially closer to the expected quantum sum rule. We can now adjust $\kappa$ and iterate until we reach a value sufficiently close to 16/3. In general, this should be done while collecting substantially more statistics.
Note that $\kappa (T)$ needs to be determined empirically for each model. A detailed example, demonstrating the calculations used in [3], is available here.
[1] - H. Zhang, C. D. Batista, "Classical spin dynamics based on SU(N) coherent states," PRB (2021)