Parallelizing Calculations

Calculating structure factors with classical dynamics is computationally expensive, and Sunny does not currently parallelize these calculations at a fine-grained level. However, Julia provides facilities that allow users to run multiple simulations in parallel with only a little extra effort. We will look at two approaches to doing this: multithreading and Julia's Distributed package. We'll present these approaches in a series of code snippets that can be copied and pasted into your preferred Julia development environment.

Review of the serial workflow

The serial approach to calculating a structure factor, covered in the FeI₂ tutorial, involves thermalizing a spin System and then calling add_sample!. add_sample! uses the state of the System as an initial condition for the calculation of a dynamical trajectory. The correlations of the trajectory are calculated and accumulated into a running average of the $\mathcal{S}(𝐪,ω)$. This sequence is repeated to generate additional samples.

To illustrate, we'll set up a a simple model: a spin-1 antiferromagnet on a BCC crystal. Constructing the System with a specific random number seed ensures full reproducibility of the simulation.

using Sunny, GLMakie

function make_system(seed)
    latvecs = lattice_vectors(1, 1, 1, 90, 90, 90)
    positions = [[0, 0, 0]/2, [1, 1, 1]/2]
    cryst = Crystal(latvecs, positions)
    sys = System(cryst, [1 => Moment(s=1, g=2)], :dipole; dims=(10, 10, 2), seed)
    set_exchange!(sys, 1.0, Bond(1, 1, [1, 0, 0]))
    return sys

sys = make_system(0)

A serial calculation of SampledCorrelations involving the Langevin sampling method can now be performed as follows:

# Thermalize the system
dt = 0.05
integrator = Langevin(dt; damping=0.2, kT=0.5)
for _ in 1:5000
    step!(sys, integrator)

# Accumulator for S(q,ω) samples

energies = range(0.0, 10.0, 100)
measure = ssf_perp(sys)
sc = SampledCorrelations(sys; dt=0.1, energies, measure)

# Collect 10 samples
for _ in 1:10
    for _ in 1:1000
        step!(sys, integrator)
    add_sample!(sc, sys)

This will take a second or two on a modern workstation, resulting in a single SampledCorrelations that contains 10 samples.

Multithreading approach

To use threads in Julia, you must launch your Julia environment appropriately.

  • From the command line, launch Julia with julia --threads=auto. With this option, Julia will automatically use an optimal number of threads.
  • Jupyter notebook users will need to to set up a multithreaded Julia kernel and restart into this kernel. The kernel can be created inside Julia with the command IJulia.installkernel("Julia Multithreaded", env=Dict("JULIA_NUM_THREADS" => "auto")).
  • VSCode users should open their settings and search for Julia: Additional Args. There will be link called Edit in settings.json. Click on this, add "--threads=auto" to the list julia.additionalArgs, and start a new REPL.

Before going further, make sure that Threads.nthreads() returns a number greater than 1.

We will use multithreading in a very simple way, essentially employing a distributed memory approach to avoid conflicts around memory access. First preallocate a number of systems and correlations. The integer id of each system is used as its random number seed.

npar = Threads.nthreads()
systems = [make_system(id) for id in 1:npar]
scs = [SampledCorrelations(sys; dt=0.1, energies, measure) for _ in 1:npar]
Dealing with memory constraints

If many threads are available and the system sizes are large, there may not be enough computer memory available to store the dynamical correlation data. In this case, consider reducing the number of parallel threads, npar.

When the Threads.@threads macro is applied before a for loop, the iterations of the loop will execute in parallel using the available threads. We will put the entire thermalization and sampling process inside the loop, with each thread acting on a unique System and SampledCorrelations.

Threads.@threads for id in 1:npar
    integrator = Langevin(dt; damping=0.2, kT=0.5)
    for _ in 1:5000
        step!(systems[id], integrator)
    for _ in 1:10
        for _ in 1:1000
            step!(systems[id], integrator)
        add_sample!(scs[id], systems[id])

You may find this takes a little bit longer than the serial example, but, at the end of it, you will have generated npar correlation objects, each with 10 samples. We can merge these into a summary SampledCorrelations with 10*npar samples with merge_correlations:

sc = merge_correlations(scs)

Using Distributed

Julia also provides a distributed memory approach to parallelism through the standard library package Distributed. This works by launching independent Julia environments on different "processes." An advantage of this approach is that it scales naturally to clusters since the processes are easily distributed across many different compute nodes. A disadvantage, especially when working on a single computer, is the increased memory overhead associated with launching all these environments.

We begin by importing the package,

using Distributed

and launching some new processes. It is often sensible to create as many processes as there are cores.

ncores = length(Sys.cpu_info())

You can think of each process as a separate computer running a fresh Julia environment, so we'll need to import Sunny and define functions in each of these environments. This is easily achieved with the @everywhere macro.

@everywhere using Sunny

@everywhere function make_system(seed)
    latvecs = lattice_vectors(1, 1, 1, 90, 90, 90)
    positions = [[0, 0, 0]/2, [1, 1, 1]/2]
    cryst = Crystal(latvecs, positions)
    sys = System(cryst, [1 => Moment(s=1, g=2)], :dipole; seed)
    sys = resize_supercell(sys, (10, 10, 2))
    set_exchange!(sys, 1.0, Bond(1, 1, [1, 0, 0]))
    return sys

A simple way to perform work on these processes is to use the parallel map function, pmap. This will apply a function to each element of some iterable, such as a list of numbers, and return a list of the results. It is a parallel map because these function calls may occur at the same time on different Julia processes. The pmap function takes care of distributing the work among the different processes and retrieving the results.

In the example below, we give pmap a list of RNG seeds to iterate over, and we define the function that will be applied to each of these seeds in a do block. The contents of this block are essentially the same as what we put inside our parallel for loop in the multithreading example. The main difference is that the Systems and SampledCorrelations are not created in advance of the parallelization but are instead created inside each Julia process. The do block returns a SampledCorrelations, and the output of all the parallel computations are collected into list of SampledCorrelations called scs.

scs = pmap(1:ncores) do id
    sys = make_system(id)
    sc = SampledCorrelations(sys; dt=0.1, energies, measure)
    integrator = Langevin(0.05; damping=0.2, kT=0.5)

    for _ in 1:5000
        step!(sys, integrator)
    for _ in 1:10
        for _ in 1:1000 
            step!(sys, integrator)
        add_sample!(sc, sys)

    return sc

Finally, merge the results into a summary SampledCorrelations.

sc = merge_correlations(scs)